Friday, February 10, 2006

Announcing the First Annual (or so) Telemarketer Olympics!

For the sake of our sanity and amusement, Jamie, Tiffany and I have decided to hold the first Telemaketer Olympics. This probably won't make national news, and the opening ceremonies were rather unceremonious. (Jamie wanted a big fire. I offered her my lighter, but she must have decided that it wouldn't be a good idea.)

Nobody's really sure how these Olympics originated, but it was somewhere between the parking lot and the parking garage on the way in to work today. A contest to see who could go the longest before getting a right-party contact sort of turned into a brain child, and that child was the Telemarketer Olympics!

We're currently taking suggestions on logo, anthem, and TV anchor. I doubt we can get Bob Costas.

So without further ado, I present to you the events and medal winners from the First Annual (or so) Telemarketer Olympics. Hopefully we're not all still here in a year to do this again. :) Sorry, all the event names are kind of long.

Who Can Go The Longest Before Getting A Right-Party Contact
Bronze: Jamie (13 minutes)
Silver: Tiffany (20 minutes)
Gold: Jenna (1 hour, 6 minutes)

Fewest Number of Contacts Before The First Break
Bronze: Jamie (8)
Gold: Tiffany (4)
Gold: Jenna (4)

Who Can Go The Longest Before They Get A Do Not Solicit
Bronze: Jamie (one day, 20 minutes)
Silver: Tiffany (one day, 38 minutes)
Gold: Jenna (one day, one hour and 35 minutes)

The Most Prospect Applications
Bronze: Jenna (2)
Gold: Tiffany (3)
Gold: Jamie (3)

Congratulations to our winners! (But I think that telemarketers win every day that they don't go stark raving mad.) I'm proud of us all.

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