Thursday, February 09, 2006


There are several reasons why Jenna should not talk when she's really tired. In this second post of the day (which I just felt like doing, in case you were curious) I thought we'd discuss several of those reasons.

Reason #1
Jenna says stuff she can't remember. This stuff may range from rude things to our birds, promises regarding what she'll make for dinner, or verbal grocery lists.

Reason #2
Jenna talks in monotone. This is very boring for both the speaker and the listener.

Reason #3
Jenna can't keep her expressions straight. Several examples include:

  • "Woah, that's Five Class!" Five Class appears to be a combination of "Five plus" and "first class".
  • "Five plus!" Five plus is a corruption of "five star" and "A plus". It just popped out one day.
  • "Wear this on!" Wear this on is a combination of "put this on" and "wear this".
  • "Pretty minute." She thinks she tried to say "pretty quick" and "in a minute" and, well, "pretty minute" was the result.

Reason #4
Jenna is a bad telemarketer when she's tired! That, of course, is the ultimate reason why Jenna should not talk when she's tired.

Case in point. When I get tired, somebody needs send me home before I start saying, "Wear this on!" or "Wow, that's 5 Class!" to the customers. I'd probably get fired.

Hey, wait...that might not be such a bad idea...

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! You mentioned that "Five Class" is a combination of "5 plus" and "1st Class," but forgot to mention that "5 plus" is a combination of "5 star" and "A+"! What's the deal? Are you tired?
