Thursday, February 16, 2006

Jenna Sews While On The Job

Making a Yoda doll, I am.

Yep, I'm getting paid to sew a little Yoda doll out of felt. Joey sent me a pattern for making your own Yoda, and I've been working on mine since 9:30. It's 1:45 right now and I just finished sewing the little guy together and stuffing him. I'm working on his clothes right now. His light saber will be the finishing touch. He's pretty awesome looking.

Honestly, what kind of place allows their employees to sit around cutting out patterns and hand sewing them together?! This one does, aparrently. I figure if anybody tells me not to, I'll tell them that my morale is low and this is how I keep it up.

My morale is extra low today because even though it's snowing nobody cancelled work! One time when I worked for Sears (another lifetime ago) it snowed really super bad. My pals and I drove down, risking life and limb to get there, only to find out that the store was closed and nobody bothered to tell us. It was a Saturday morning, though, so we were all OK with just going back home.

I have to get back to Yoda. Poor little green critter is laying on my desk all cold and naked right now. It's my job to make the little man some clothes.

Get on it, I'd better.

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