Monday, February 13, 2006

Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday, MONDAY!!!

Last night we were watching the Olympics (what else?) and my right ear filled up with fluid. It sounds like I'm talking with my head in a bucket. Anyway, my ear really hurts. NOTHING was working to get it to drain; not a single one of my usual tricks!

Joey was drinking some of his Mt. Dew. He had just bought a 12-pack with the $5 he had won off me from a bet. (Remind me never to make a bet on what the birds will be doing when we get home.) I snuck a sip of his Dewski, hoping that the carbonation would help relieve the pressure in my ear. It seemed to help, so I begged my own can of Dew off him.

Mt. Dew makes me wound up, especially when I have it at 9:00 at night. Joey started fading, so we went to bed at 10:30. I lay there, wide awake, FOR HOURS. My caffinated brain drifted to many, many unusual places.

I tried to come up with crafts I could do using my birds. Everything I thought of using paint seemed like it would kill them eventually, or they'd become permanently stuck to their perch by their painty little feet. (Poor, tricksy hobbit-birds!)

I dreamed strange dreams involving pairs figure skating and ketchup. Together. (Figure that one out.)

I tried to come up with fun things to do at work. I thought about taking all my old beanie babies from when I was a kid and bringing them to work. I would set them up at my telemarketing desk. I could pretend they were real, and feed them and train them to do tricks. I could make them fight each other and then play vet on the hurt ones.

I thought about how awake I was, even though it was super late at night. It annoyed me really bad. I tried to come up with ways to get my ear to drain by laying different directions. None of them worked. I tried ear to the pillow, I tried ear to the ceiling, I tried pushing Joey around.

This particular can of Dewski must have had some high octane caffeine. I woke up at 6:00 and felt rested. I lay there for another 45 minutes and tried to fall asleep again before I finally gave up.

My ear is still plugged. What a way to start a telemarketing Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Dewski's are not meant to be drunk, they are meant to be used as a hydrogen alternative for automobiles. Hence your problem is that you inhaled auto fuel. Now why would your husband buy a large quantity of Dewski is rather odd. But then, you are the odd couple!!!
