Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Confession: I have an obsession with mini marshmallows. And it's bad.

I'm not really sure when it started, I think it was a month ago. But I brought some marshmallows to put in my hot chocolate at work. (It was a ginormous treat--I never bring that to work, just tea.) I decided to save the marshmallows and just munch on them.

Oh boy.

I was hooked. They were small, cute, squishy and super easy to eat while I was telemarketing.

I began to think about mini marshmallows constantly. I dreamed about them at night. I craved them the entire time I was telemarketing. I stopped and ogled them in the grocery store (they make really big bags of them, you know). I considered writing fan mail to Kraft.

I know they're next to horrible for me, but if I only eat a few once or twice a week, I figure I won't die. I probably won't even get very fat. Right now I have a little baggie with some mini marshmallows in it. I've been saving it until after 10:30. Joey surprised me by sticking it in my lunch. I was super excited.

Mmmmm. I just ate one. Yummy marshmallow.

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