Saturday, March 11, 2006

I'm telemarketing today.

I just have to tell you all about this really...dense lady I talked to a bit ago. She's a homemaker so she herself doesn't have any income. That's fine, no problem. BUT, she went to the bank and filled out a loan application for $5,000, stuck her name on it and put her husband's employer and income down as if it was hers.

And she wonders why they denied it.

People like her make telemarketing a lot, lot, lot more confusing. I had to rack my little brain just to figure out how to term that crazy thing! Should I term it "doesn't need money"? Was it a "crazy wife" one? Wait, we don't have a term code for that one. (We could really use one, though.) Or was it more of an "unidentified"? I finally settled on "doesn't need money".

On to brighter topics.

Joey says that if you smashed all the molecules in the entire universe down and took all the air out from in between them, they could smash down to about 2 square inches. That's pretty small. This leaves me with two important questions, perhaps some of you will know the answer and if you do I'd like to hear it.

1.) If there's air inbetween the molecules now, why can't we poke our fingers through things? It makes sense to me...
2.) If you really could smash all the molecules down into a square, what color would it be?

Joey says I missed the point. Did I miss the point? He also says that nobody would be able to know what color the square would be, because everybody would be IN the square.

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