Wednesday, March 01, 2006

My poor husband. I really did him over this time.

On his birthday last Saturday we decided to take a break from watching LOTR movies (our eyes were going buggy) and run by Kohl's before dinner. They were having a ginormous sale, so we got him a couple of sweaters for $5 and suchlike. (I also got a really cozy hoodie to replace my brown one that's got holes. If I can bear to part with it, that is.) Anyway, Joey saw a rack of khakis for $10 and, since he only has one "official" pair I thought I'd find him his size and we'd get them. Who can beat a nice pair of khakis for only $10?

I have a real hard time with guys' sizes. I can never remember if poor Joey is 30x32, 32x30 or 32x32. Fortunately, Joey was there to tell me that he is, in fact, a 32x30. They had one in his size, so I grabbed it and we were off.

Later, when Joey was trying on his khakis, I noticed that they looked really....tight. Uncomfortably tight. I thought, "Man, how did he gain so much weight so fast? We've really got to put him on some sort of diet. Like now!" Poor Joey, I'm not very good at keeping my thoughts in my head, so I told him that he was probably getting fat. Since his pants were so tight, he thought I was probably right.

Well this morning Joey decided to wear those khakis to work. For some reason, he glanced at the tag and, to his great surprise, noticed that they weren't 32x30s, like I thought I grabbed, but a 30x32!


And here I thought he was getting pudgy when it was really just a case of me not being able to read. I should be extremely ashamed of myself. (And I am.) Poor thing, now I feel really bad and I want to go try to find him a pair of pants that fits.

So, do you think it's ethical to return something after it's already been washed and worn, if the wife made a mistake and still can't read men's sizes? I think it's because my eyes are ruined from being a telemarketer.

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