Sunday, April 02, 2006

Always Think Before Speaking

I went on a walk after I finished cleaning my house. I saw several cool things, one weird thing, two disturbing things, and did one dumb thing.

The cool things were very cool. I saw a very plump robin and some guy that drove by and his licence plate had the last three letters of MEW. So, of course, I walked along saying, "mew, mew, mew" for awhile. Good thing no one was around to hear me.

The weird thing was that I saw an older lady (she was probably 70) wearing forest green gauchos, black nylons...and black ANKLE boots. She was really, really trying to be en vogue, but the nylons and ankle boots really tanked it for her.

The disturbing things were very disturbing. Some dumb guys in a Toyota yelled at me and honked, and I had even thought, "Oh, they're driving a Toyota. How nice for them." I guess not so nice. The other one was that I saw a little Shih-Tzu almost get run over by a big, black Dodge Dakota. I don't like those trucks anyway, but seriously. Watch the cool dog, buster.

And...the one dumb thing I did...

I was walking past this house and there was a rabid Chihuahua tied up outside. He saw me and started barking like he was insane, and barring his teeth at me. I said to him, rather loudly, "Good thing you're chained up, varmint."

Just as the owner came out and told the dog to be quiet. His name was Fuego. (The dog, not the owner.) A rather fitting name.

Anyway, I was traumatized that I was calling the guy's dog a varmint in front of him, so I walked really fast and got out of there.

Now I have to go, the liberry is closing and we're going to have a storm.

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