Thursday, April 06, 2006

Iowa Oddities

Seagulls, first of all, should not live in Iowa. There's no sea and I think that confuses the poor little things. Saylorville Lake does not qualify, in my mind, but for some reason, we have seagulls.

This morning, the poor things were really mixed up.

We've had quite a bit of rain lately and some of the fields have big wet patches in them. Now, granted, these wet spots can't be more than an inch or two deep, but they're definitely there.

As I'm driving to work this morning, I noticed something very, very odd.

I was driving past a nice, muddy field with several wet areas, and in the water stood about 25 seagulls. They were only in water up to the middle of their little bird-legs, but there they were, standing in it and thinking, "There's no place like home, there's no place like home". Who knows, maybe if they think hard enough, they'll get transported to an ocean somewhere.

I thought, Gosh, it's too bad those birds are so confused. I hope it's an isolated incident. Maybe they have Bird Flu?

As I came upon the next field, full of more, smaller water patches, I saw more confused gulls. As far as my eyes could see there was black dirt and small circles of white seagulls pretending an Iowa field pond was the sea.

Too bad they didn't remember they were about 5 miles from Saylorville Lake. I'd have told them, but I don't speak Bird too well.

At least my birds at home can't seem to understand me.

So anyway, I don't think it's Bird Flu, I think the seagulls just need therapy. Maybe we should invent a Seagull Therapy Buddy, what do you think Jamie? :)

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