Monday, April 24, 2006

Wherein the Birds Have an Outdoor Adventure and Learn Great Lessons

Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley, two well-adjusted, satisfied parakeets, took it upon themselves, one fine afternoon, to venture into the periphery of Daveland.

Daveland, as you know, is a lush, green paradise. On the edge of Daveland there begins a rocky desert with a large oasis.

Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley set out. They began by looking at some antiques at an open air market. Mr. Bingley was the most fond of this old duck.

He thought the chipped paint gave it "character".

As the duo traveled and enjoyed the sunshine, Mr. Darcy noticed a small grove of sacred lilac bushes. The two friends, knowing that lilac bushes were very, very precious, should also have known to stay away from them.

But these birds have never been known to be good.

Mr. Darcy promptly encouraged Mr. Bingley to join him in the sacred lilac bush. All was well until the unthinkable happened.

Mr. Darcy began nibbling on the sacred bush!

Suddenly, the two birdies were transported to the barren wasteland of the desert. Mr. Bingley was quite upset with Mr. Darcy for his sin.

The sun grew hot and the birds began to get thirsty. The birds also noticed that they were beginning to get a rash. Mr. Bingley was convinced it was part of their punishment for eating the sacred lilac bush.

Mr. Darcy said he had once heard of a rusty bird that was raised high in the air, and all that sick birds had to do was to look up at it and they'd be healed. So the two set off in search of the rusty bird.

They needed to stop at an oasis where they found some shade and water.

They began to feel better, but they were still not totally free of their rashes.

Finally, Mr. Bingley saw the rusty bird! They scurried over nearby and gazed up at the statue.

Slowly, the rash began to fade!

"Hooray!" Chirped the birdies.

"I will never nibble on sacred lilac bushes again," pledged Mr. Darcy.

"You'd better not," said Mr. Bingley. "I didn't like that rash."

The end.

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