Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Last night at 10:30, Joey and I couldn't decide who was going to turn off the light. We "argued" for about 5 minutes, and then both got up to turn the light off.

Of course then I spotted the "Get Fuzzy" comic flip calendar and puzzled over it for a moment. Joey tried to explain it to me--I did not find it to be funny. At all.

Poor Joey. I really wish I found comics funny.

One of us turned out the light, and both of us jumped (literally, unfortunately) into bed. We landed in the same place. Our heads connected.


"OWW!!!" We both moaned.

"I see stars!" Joey wailed.

"I did too," I whimpered.

We burrowed holes into the covers and waited for our searing headaches to pass. They weren't going away.

"Oww, your head bonked me in the cheekbone, right under my eye," Joey said, when he could finally talk again.

"Yeah, you got me in the middle of the crown. I actually felt my skull squish in a bit...does this mean I have a brain full of mush?!" I shook my head a little. It still hurt.

We continued to whine about our headaches for another few minutes, but then decided we might as well sleep them off.

As far as I know, neither one of us woke up with a headache, just an extremely strong desire to go back to bed and sleep all day. (It was gray and pouring rain at 6:30...the perfect day to call a nationwide holiday from work, don't you think?)

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