Monday, June 26, 2006

Comet May Be Near Death

I returned to work to find my fishy kind of lethargic. Turns out that he only got fed twice in the nine days I was out of the office. Poor little guy. I promptly fed him a few extra flakes of food and he jazzed right up.

It was then that I noticed it.

Comet lives in a large vase with one of those water plants on top. (I cleaned his vase two weeks ago when we had our computer problems so he had fresh water before I left him.) Anyway, several of the roots of the water plant, there are these large, bilious-white blubs growing.

They look SO gross.

Poor Comet! I don't know what they are, so I don't know how to get them to go away. This seems to need some extensive research. My only idea currently is to clean his vase and try to get rid of the blobs, without touching them of course, in hopes that Comet won't die from the creep growing in his vase.

This is truly a sad, sad day.

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