Friday, June 09, 2006

Ernie Is In The Doghouse

My parents came over last night to hang out with me, since Joey's not home yet. They brought Ernie, and I was so, so, so excited. I bought him 3 special little doggy treats (2 biscuits and 1 "cupcake").

All was well until it was time to go to sleep. I was on the couch and there just wasn't room for Ernie to sleep up there with me. Somehow The Kid manages, but I just wasn't feeling like having a furball make me even warmer than it already was in there.

So I kenneled Ernie.

About 5 minutes later, I began hearing pathetic little yips. The yips turned into whines, the whines turned into yelps, and the yelps turned into full-fledged barks.

I lay there for 20 minutes (it was 10:50 by this time--my bedtime is 10:00) and finally couldn't take it anymore.

"Is it OK if I put Ernie out in the hall?" I yelled back to where my parents were sleeping.

"Yeeeesss," said my sleepy mom.

I said, "You're on my short list, Ernie." And picked up the kennel, dog and all.

I opened the door to my apartment, and stuck Ernie right outside. (Since nobody uses our hallway but us, I knew he'd be safe.)

A few minutes after the door was shut, earplugs in place, and I was comfortably snuggled back down into the couch, I heard a very muffled doggy bark.

Somehow I fell asleep anyway.

Poor little Ernie.

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