Friday, July 07, 2006


I don't know what's happened to me, but for about the last four months, I have been a klutz.

It's pathetically embarassing.

In the last week I have:
1. Jammed the shredder, almost to the point of being permanently broken. It was so jammed up that it took two hours to get all the little pieces out.
2. Jammed the copier.
3. Dropped a huge stack of alphabetized papers
4. Dropped my celery and peanut butter while eating lunch.
5. Deleted something I was working on (ARG!)
6. Tripped on my own feet.

I suppose it could be worse, but I'm beginning to feel like an incompetent bozo! People probably don't notice my slip ups as often as I feel like they do, but I hate being a butterfingers.

At least I can type 100 words per minute, otherwise they might ditch me for being a klutz, however recently I've picked up the tendencies.

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