Thursday, July 06, 2006

Joey is Incrediboy!

It amazes me how much Joey looks like Incrediboy in this picture.

Joey does not, however, bear any resemblance to the evil tendencies of Incrediboy. Joey is much, much nicer than that.

Joey is Incrediboy because:
1. He found the free oil change certificate that I asked him to find, even
after I found it in my car. So what must have happened is that he magically made another one. Now we have 2 free oil changes! Yay Joey!

2. Joey can read my mind. He knew instinctively that I really wanted the air conditioner in on Monday, and I never even said "It's so stinkin' hot in here"
one time that day! When I called him Monday afternoon, he was already at Home Depot buying the stuff to install our unit.

3. Joey has superpowers. He can make things happen that I can't, such as reaching things on the top shelf of the cupboards (he doesn't even have to climb on the counter!) and setting the tent up without mixing up any of the pieces. Joey also has incredible skills at things like fixing his car and being my best friend.

4. Joey can fly. (Well, almost.) He likes to jump off high things like he
can fly, though.

Yep, my husband is totally awesome.

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