Friday, July 14, 2006

Mrs. Woestman

So until Wednesday, I've never actually been called "Mrs. Woestman". It was becoming a sore subject for me. All the kids at church just call me Miss Jenna still.

There we were, it was 9:15 p.m. and all the youth group team was sitting around Dr. Brown's kitchen table. His wife and daughter, Krista, were dishing up ice cream. Tricia leaned down to Krista and said, "Go take this to Mrs. Woestman."

Immediately, I perked up.

Mrs. Woestman?! I thought, NOBODY has officially called me that yet! This is a great day!

I watched, wide-eyed, as Krista brought the ice cream over to my side of the table, handed it to Jamie and said, "This is for Mrs. Woestman."


Not only had Tricia called me Mrs. Woestman to Krista, but Krista had actually said "Mrs. Woestman" in reference to me!

The meeting had started off on the wrongest foot possible for me, so this was just the thing to redeem it and bring it into "good meeting" status.

Now I feel so very much more grown up.


  1. Why Hello Mrs. Woestman. :)

    Sorry..I still think of you as Jenna. :) LOL


  2. I still feel strange when I get called Mrs. Woestman after 25 years. People don't use the formal titles as much as they did in my own mother's generation. Most of my kids' friends call me Nancy or just Mom, also. :)
