Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A Whole Family of Racoons

So that "wildlife" in my ceiling turns out to be a mamma racoon and her herd(?) of little babies.

The ceiling tile she's set her nest up on is bowed. She must be a big 'un.

Drama, drama, drama.

Since we'd been poking the bowed ceiling tile for about the last 3 hours to try to identify what, exactly, was up there, Mamma Coon had gone off to some other section of the ceiling.

Not five minutes ago I held a large piece of styrofoam across the hallway (because of course that will keep us safe from enraged Mamma Coon, if she should decide to come down) as five brave men held up a net to catch the babies.

It turned out that there were four little tiny babies who began squalling and carrying on just as soon as they got their little eyes adjusted to the light. (Actually, they looked more like furry moles than racoons, but they're really itty bitty.)

So far, Mamma Coon has not showed her mean face, but she probably will soon. Her babies are sitting right outside, by the hole she used to come inside in the first place, and she's got to be able to hear them.

Poor babies, they're so cute. I hope she comes for them soon.

I'm awfully glad they're not in the ceiling anymore--can you imagine when they got bigger? What if they broke a tile and fell through to the ground?

Poor things. Anyway, the mystery is solved!

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