Monday, August 07, 2006


Joey wants a Mac. He's getting one, too. Maybe soon! The World Wide Developer's Conference is going on right now, and some silly guy is there live blogging it. I tried to read it but got too confused.

Joey, naturally, is not confused. He's at work reading it frantically, waiting to see what new, fantastic things come out this year.

I just want an iPod.

I figure when we get the new computer, we're (I'm) just going to call it the jMac. I have no idea if Joey will let me do that, though. It might not be cool enough for his Mac.

Actually, I just want a pink mouse.

I can see it now--Joey takes the jMac to the library and sets it up. He looks cool, techy-suave...and then he pulls out the hot pink mouse and hooks it up. Really kills the image.

Actually, Joey, I would be fine with just a pink cover for the iPod. I won't make you haul around a pink mouse. I've repented. :)

Only a little while more until we get to get the jMac!

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