Friday, August 25, 2006


So I think CW2 is mad at me today. I have been in this office for over an hour and a half and he has not said one single word to me; nay, he has not even looked my direction. This is unusual because usually he at least tells me what I've done wrong lately by now.

Normally I would not assume this pettiness from a guy would mean he's mad at me, but for those of you who know what I'm talking makes sense.

I think it's kinda sad/funny. I wonder how long he/we can keep this up. Good thing I can amuse myself by strange little things, otherwise I might take it personally and go in the bathroom and cry.

But where's the fun in that?

Since I know I didn't do anything, I figure I can just be amused by his general sourpussness. Don't people like that ever just get tired of themselves? I know I would. So anyway, I'm off to see how long CW2 can go without talking/looking/acknowledging my presence. And this way, it's kind of fun.

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