Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Sky Is Falling

On Sunday, Joey and I dropped Henry off at his parents' house before church. We didn't think it would be considered appropriate to bring him since Joey was preaching and I (wound up) singing. Having an adorable little furry Shih-Tzu on the platform with us would have looked unconventional and tacky.

We came home from church about 1:30, after eating a yummy lunch with some friends. After we walked in the door Father-In-Law1 said, "Well...Henry has had an interesting morning." He looked kind of sheepish as he said it, so I figured he'd probably accidentally done something terrible to our puppy and was trying to confess.

"I took Henry out in the back yard to go to the bathroom, and I was walking down the hill. Henry was following me. All of a sudden, I heard a tree branch snap and a thud. I looked behind me to see what happened, and a squirrel had fallen out of the tree and landed on Henry's backside."

Everyone in the room bust out laughing, most of all me. The mental picture of Henry, terrorized, with a disoriented squirrel attatched to his bum was more than I could successfully not laugh at.

Aparrently, Henry had taken off across the yard, yelping, and the squirrel had continued laying there on the ground, slightly dazed. My facts may be slightly sketchy, because I was laughing so hard I didn't hear as clearly as I wish I had.

Anyway, Henry's not a big fan of going out back. Father-In-Law1 says that Henry goes running around to the front door when he tries to take him out back.

I'd love to give it a shot, but it's raining extremely hard here right now and I'm not going to go get wet. And besides, my coffee is probably ready.

Joey hates it when I drink coffee, but I figure he's probably not going to be getting any kisses anytime soon because he's playing Xbox with Eric right now. Oh, wait, I didn't give Eric a code name. I suppose it's too late by now; I'd better not get arrested and/or fired.

I'm going to go drink my coffee.

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