Monday, August 07, 2006

You Know Your Husband Is In Seminary When...

1. You debate whether or not to buy butter this week or next...maybe it will go back down to $1.75 instead of its normal price of $2.30.

2. When the Sunday Register comes, the coupon section is the first thing you turn to. (And you get really excited when you see $1 off coupons for bacon, body wash, toothbrushes, etc.)

3. You feel guilty throwing away baggies because if you washed and reused them, you could probably save $2-4 a month.

4. You won't buy Kool-Aid because it is "too expensive"

5. Checking out free DVDs from the library is an exciting evening activity, especially when your husband is gone.

6. When your favorite/only black capri pants get three bleach spots on them, you take a permanent black marker to them to fill in the white spots...even though it isn't the same shade of black and even though you have to do it about every other time you wear them.

7. You consider making several trips to Target when you have to go, just so you can ride your bike and not use gas. (Target is only 2.5 miles from our house) You opt not do to this, though, because it is over 100 degrees outside.

8. You frantically run around the grocery store putting back a peach here, two apples there, the tomato soup, and cutting back on the green beans so that you can come in just under the weekly grocery budget.

9. Your husband gets very excited when he finds an "extremely cool" t-shirt for only $3.25 at Target. Your first question is, "Is there room left in that category in the budget?" (There was, fortunately, and he wears that shirt all the time. It's his favorite.)

10. Your favorite date is "buy one get one free" at Starbucks. They have the best pomegranate frappuccinos.

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