Friday, September 08, 2006

Joey's "Dear John" Letter

Joey received this e-mail a few minutes ago. I think it's pretty funny.

September 8, 2006

Mr. Joseph A. Woestman
1234 Main St
Sometown, IA 11111

Dear John,

It's a pleasure to inform you that your application for admission to the Master of Theology program has been approved! We are looking forward to your enrollment as a new student in the Spring 2007 semester...

I was unaware that I'd married someone named John. Perhaps they got Joey mixed up with his pops? Maybe the admissions guy was like, " I call him Joe, Joseph, or Joey?!" and was so overwrought with indecision that he decided to just use Joey's dad's name to be safe. Maybe???

At any rate, it pretty much cracks me up. It's not every guy who gets a Dear John letter when he's married and his name is actually Joey.

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