Saturday, September 02, 2006

Open Mouth, Insert Foot

Yesterday, after Joey and I arrived in Cedar Rapids, we hit Arby's to have dinner with Sister, Stephen, Andrew and The Kid. They brought Ernie, who fought with Henry and amused us all.

We were just getting ready to go inside the restaurant and eat. Joey took Henry over to the front of the restaurant and he was standing in the landscaped area; Henry was down in the parking lot. He has trouble getting up over curbs still, he's real short still.

At this particular Arby's, the Drive-Thru goes right along the front of the building, right by where Joey and Henry were. And Henry was right in the path of any oncoming cars.

I could see that there was a chic in a hunter green old-timey car who had just gotten her food from the window, and was beginning to advance toward my husband and dog-child.

She looked...dumb.

Joey was still over on the landscaping and Henry was still technically in the parking lot, on his leash.

I hesitated....and then I hollered loudly, "Um, Honey? There's someone coming and she doesn't look real bright."

Silence from the Siblings. Then everyone started laughing and frantically checking to see if the girl who was "not real bright" had her windows down.

This is still unconfirmed. It could possibly have been since she'd just gone throught he drive-thru. At any rate, I have yet to live this down. "She's not real bright" comments have been circulating since the incident.

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