Friday, September 15, 2006


One of the fun things to do with/to Henry is to put him on our bed and to hide on the ground and pop up every few seconds and roar at him.

He totally freaks out at first, but then his tail starts wagging so hard it looks like it'll wag right off and he tries to get brave enough to look over the side of the bed to find you. SUPER cute.

This morning, while I was trying to get myself the gumption to get ready for work, I was playing with Henry on my bed. Joey had been playing with us too, when all of a sudden he sort of turned into this gelatinous blob and slid off the side of the bed.

Henry looked at him with marginal interest, but I was like, What happened to Joey? Why did he just fall off the side of the bed like that? Is he sick?

"Joey? Why are you down there? Are you OK? What is going on?" I asked, as alternately petted and teased Henry.

No answer from the husband.

Henry plopped on the fluffiest part of the comforter and started licking himself.

"RAAARRRRRRRR," screamed Joey, and he jumped up from the side of the bed.

"AAAAAAAUGH!!!!" I screamed, mostly out of terror.

Henry was unaffected. He did think, hmm, that's kind of weird and inch toward the edge of the bed, where Joey soon popped up with another roar. Then Henry began to get in to it and tried to pounce on Joey when he'd come up to roar at him.

I, meanwhile, was trying to get my heart to return to its normal pace. Joey had scared me so badly.

After Joey was done roaring at our dog, he asked, "Did that really scare you? Um, you knew exactly where I was. You saw me go down there."

"Yes, that's true, but I thougth something happened to you! You slid down there like maybe you were hurt, or something had pulled you down. Like a snake or something...."

Joey thought this was both amusing and pathetic. I tend to agree with him.

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