Sunday, October 22, 2006

157 mg of Caffeine

Joey and I are at his parent's house this weekend. Mostly we've just loafed around and watched Over the Hedge, played Keen (I beat Keen 5), and I folded some towels.

About 4:00 I was falling asleep. Joey said, "I bet you want a Sprite. Let's go walk to Pete's and get you a Sprite. We can stop by the soccer fields and see Dad (aka Father-in-Law1)."


Eric, who was eavesdropping, said "Let's make her drink an entire SoBe NoFear. I'll buy."

Joey perked up. (I was kind of amazed, last time I drank just half of one of those he told me I wasn't allowed.) "Want to?"

"Sure!" I perked up real quick, too. So we put on our coats (I put on Puff, my new white vest) and headed out the door with Henry, Eric and his iPod Shuffle in tow.

It was super, super cold out there. Super.

Anyway, we got to Pete's (which really is called Monroe Foods, but for some reason everyone calls it Pete's. I guess some guy named Pete owns it) and the boys went in for drinks while I waited outside with Henry.

I suppose now is the time to confess: Joey and Eric got the money to buy these beverages by snitching from Father-in-Law1's change stash. BUT...Eric seemed to get permission from Mother-in-Law1 before we did it.

Anyway, after about 3 sips, I was feeling jittery and weird. After half of the SoBe NoFear I was feeling like a gyroscope. After the whole can, I couldn't shut up and my right foot was bouncing incessantly.

I figured the problem was that I was drinking the NoFear on a basically empty stomach, so I went back to The Snack Room and found some Ritz Bitz. I feel a little bit less like I could spontaneously combust now.

A can of Mt. Dew has 55 mg of caffeine in it.
SoBe NoFear has 157 mg of caffeine.

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