Monday, October 30, 2006

After much, much deliberation (and several failed attempts to get a white sheet secondhand), I have decided not to dress up as a ghost to go trick-or-treating.

I have, however, decided to be something else.

I think I stashed the costume up in The Scary Room at home, but I can't be positive. (Ever since I saw the big spider, I avoid that place at all costs.) I am prepared to suck up my gumption, brace myself for the potential of seeing spiders, and go look for the costume. Maybe I'll take Henry up there with me to ward off any potential arachnid sightings. Ugh.

If I can figure out how to work the timer on the camera, I may take pictures and post them later. This is a pretty big if, though, because I am pretty illiterate on our camera. And Joey's at work. (Hence my childish behavior this evening.)

All I have to do is grocery shop, clean the house, and then I can go trick-or-treating. (Wow, those three things really don't go together, do they?)

1 comment:

  1. Benny, you have issues... clearly you're not human. Anyway, Jenna, what is this scary room of which you speak? It may encourage you to know Ernie LOVES eating spiders. Maybe Henry does too.
