Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Danger: Henry is a Sock Fiend

Yesterday Henry figured out how to get the socks out of the laundry basket. Now he has access to as many socks as he wants, whenever he wants them. (Or so he thinks; we're probably going to start shutting our bedroom door.)

Last night, he had a pile of 6 socks on the floor outside the office. The kid is crazy, he walks around the outside of the basket, picks out the sock he wants, then he dives in and digs it out and prances over to the hallway where he beats the sock up for a few minutes. Then he repeats his process.

1 comment:

  1. Henry is gorgeous! I must admit I'm more of a cat person but I'll make an exception in this case :) He's a beauty!

    My parents have 2 cats. The little one has a habit of stealing Dad's chair :) She used to look guilty and slink out the chair when he came in from work but apparently shes stopped doing that now and gives him a 'so what are you going to do about it?' look before curling back up. LOL you can't win!
