Thursday, October 19, 2006

Joey Loses All His Wisdom Tomorrow

Tomorrow Joey gets all 4 of his wisdom teeth out. I am really looking forward to this for two reasons:
1. I get to take the whole day off work and I play to sloth and loaf around until at least 8:30, if not 10:00.
2. Joey will probably say some hilarious things when he's still all doped up

I remember when I got my teeth out, I was laying there in the chair and the IV was pumping in the sleepy drugs and all I could talk about was the TV show ER.
"Wow...This purple thing on my arm is like what they use on ER...Sometimes they put these IV things in people on ER...I totally feel like I'm on ER right now...That's really awesome." And then I was out.

When I woke up I remember asking Mom where my wisdom teeth were and why I didn't get to keep them.

I'm glad she never pursued that request and got them back from the oral surgeon.

Tomorrow, I'm figuring Joey will say a lot of crazy things as he's coming off of his knock-out drugs. These could be, but are certainly not limited to, some of the following:
  • Jenna, I want a panda. Can I please have a panda? And a bamboo garden? We could keep it in the other apartment that nobody's using....
  • One time, I met Darth Vader in my dream and I killed him using my toothbrush. I thought it was a light saber at first, but then I realized it was my toothbrush
  • When I grow up I want to write comics and then they'll be funny. Garfield isn't funny anymore.
  • Why can't Henry have puppies?
  • One time, in Greek class, I thought about this wolf and I wondered if it had to get his wisdom teeth pulled out. What do you think wolf's wisdom teeth look like? Hey, I can say wolf right even without my wisdom teeth and when I'm all sleepy, and you can't say it right when you're normal. Hah.
  • I'm glad I get to eat pudding. I won't share with you.
Now I'm only hypothesizing about what he could say. My assumption is that whatever he comes up with will be much better than any of these options.

He's a pretty crazy guy, after all. (With or without his wisdom teeth!)

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