Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Henry's Last Day

Poor Henry.  It's his last day as a little boy dog and he doesn't even know it.

He's not allowed to eat or drink anything after 8:00 p.m. today, and then at 6:00 Joey's getting up to take our little baby down to the Low Cost Spay Clinic where, for $55, we are getting our little boy turned into an It.

He was just looking at me with his furry little face this morning and I started feeling so bad for him!  He's so good at making me feel like mean and nasty slime, all he has to do is cock his head to the side and look at me with pathetic eyes and I turn to putty in his paws.  (It is those same "pathetic eyes" that he seems to use on my brothers more often than he should.  He got way too much Chex Mix last weekend when they were over.)

The best part of it all is that this so-named Low Cost Spay Clinic doesn't keep him over night, so we'll get a sleepy, stiched-up, dopey puppy back tomorrow afternoon.  (I wonder if he'll walk into any walls or if he'll just lay around like a blob...)  He'll look so funny with a bald tummy after they shave him.  <sigh>

I must digress, but I have major hiccups and I've had them since I woke up. It's now about 9:40 (I did have an hour reprieve when I first got here).  It's super hard to answer the phone, too, because I wind up sounding like some kind of drunk idiot when I hiccup in the person's ear.


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