Tuesday, November 21, 2006

It's 50 Degrees Outside, But Our Christmas Tree Is Up

We went to Captain Jack's tree farm on Saturday to pick out our Christmas tree. This is easier said than done as most of the trees are really strange looking, and have large holes or strange tentacle-like branches.

After running around the farm (and not tripping on any stumps) for an hour, we selected a tree that The Kid found. Joey cut it down and then held it up above his head while we carried it to the road. Most of the dead needles fell down into his coat (he whined about it for quite some time) and Alex and I had no sympathy for him. He WAS carrying the tree above his head, after all.

When we got the tree home, Henry was scared of it. Ernie, Alex's dog, was over too, so we gated them into the back hallway. This proved to be a bad idea because Henry developed a case of separation anxiety and whined for an hour. An hour. But, of course, I couldn't go over there because then I would just reinforce the negative behavior... Anyway.

After the boys finally got the tree level, they strung the lights (quite prettily, I might add) and we debated whether or not to put ribbon on. The boys liked it (I didn't) so we left it on. It has grown on me, now I sort of like it.
Our completed tree turned out quite pretty, especially with the rest of the decorations! I know this picture is basically the same as the other one, but I liked it better because of the candles on the coffee table.

I had so much fun decorating the rest of the house. I got to get out my Nativity scene!!! I really like it and I have way too much fun setting it up. The little black sheep are SO cute...

Oh, Henry has warmed up to the Christmas tree. (A little bit too much...) He tries to get all up in its business and winds up with sap all over his fur. Little weirdo...He's getting much better about staying out of the tree, though.

I just LOVE Christmas! It's a little weird to have my house decorated when it's so gorgeous outside, but I suppose I should get used to it? I'm sure it isn't freezing and snowing in Dallas...

I know it's before Thanksgiving and that's like the biggest Christmas faux-pas ever, but since we're having my family's Christmas at our house on Friday, we made an exception. And it was so much fun to set up. :)

Merry Christmas!

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