Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Lunch Mishap

Last night, I quickly packed my lunch, made a loaf of bread so I could pack Joey's lunch, and made all of Henry's meals for this week. I didn't have enough matching containers, so I had to use one of my Tupperwares.

I should, at this time, mention that YES, Henry eats real food. None of that nasty commercial dog food for my puppy! I did quite a bit of research and made the decision to make Henry's food from real ingredients. A meal for him this week consists of: a spoonful of canned pumpkin, a spoonful of cottage cheese, 1/4 pound of beef and turkey, and a handfull of raw shredded carrots and broccoli. And he LOVES it. It's pretty much the same price as the commercial dog food option, too.

A friend of mine came over to drop some things off, and then she and I left to run an errand. When I came home and grabbed the leftover chicken salad and put it in my lunch. I had some yesterday and it was super delectable.

Today I opened up my lunch and, to my great dismay, it was Henry's lunch! It did not smell as appetizing as the chicken salad I had been expecting. To be fair, I could have eaten what I brought, since it all came from my refrigerator in the first place, but raw broccoli and I don't get along very well.

Remind me not to use two identical containers for Henry's food and my lunch next time. (Actually I think I'll stop at the Dollar Tree on my way home and pick up 4 more containers for Henry's dinner.)

Joey saved the day (as usual, he's my Superhero!) and brought me my chicken salad AND my puppy. Henry is so cute. He always steals everyone's hearts whenever he comes in. :)

So now that it's 2:00 and I've finally had my lunch...

1 comment:

  1. Stinker... I want that picture back! It was hilarious. I was going to show Mom, and you took it down. I know you did. Put it back up!
