Thursday, December 07, 2006

At about 1:00 this morning, Henry projectile vomited all over the study.  He'd been in his kennel at the time, and I am still stymied as to how he got it all over the carpet so far outside of his kennel.

He began barking immediately after said vomiting and it woke me up.  He very rarely barks at night so I figured something was amiss.  I stumbled out of bed and into the hallway and immediately I smelled a very foul smell.  My first thought was that Henry was suffering from the Big D again (horrors) but, when I turned on the light and saw the pile of puke, I knew I was mistaken.  (At least I hoped that I was mistaken and he hadn't blown out the inside of the kennel too.)

The poor little pukeface was sitting in his smelly kennel looking plaintive.  I held my breath and went into the room, let him out and surveyed the damage.  I threw Moo and his kennel pad in the washing machine (with the hottest water possible), got a trash can, half a roll of toilet paper, and the kennel cleaner, and headed back to try to clean up the mess.

Mind you, it was 1:00 a.m.

Thirty minutes and several rounds of toilet paper and paper towels later, Henry's kennel was suitably cleaned up, and the entire house smelled like vomit.  I emptied both trash cans and set the bag outside (you shoulda smelled it) and hoped it would freeze so I wouldn't have to smell it again in the morning.

I took Henry outside to go to the bathroom, trying to hide from the two drunk nerds that left the Yankee Clipper right as I came down the stairs (I am not taking Henry outside at night when we live in Dallas).  Now, granted, it was cold outside but the two drunk guys were yelling about how freezing it was and running/swerving all over the sidewalk.  Good thing they weren't driving.

I finally went back to bed.  Joey started mumbling things about a chemical spill on the highway.  Lucky guy, he slept through the whole ordeal. 

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