Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I Broke the Toilet

Last night I decided to pack up the bathroom cupboards.  Since I'm vertically challenged, I had to stand on the toilet to get in the top shelf of the cupboards (and even then I have to stand on my tiptoes...)

Even on my toes I wasn't able to reach into the far corners of that top shelf.  I stretched as far as I could and kinda did this little bunny hop thing while I swept my arm around the shelf.  Good, I hadn't missed anything.

Just as I thought that, I heard a PING!, something small and plastic went flying, and the toilet seat started to slide, rather violently, to the left.  Because falling in the toilet is not high on my list of "Things To Do Before I Die", I did a sort of swan dive/crash into the wall.  I stood there, confused, and stared at the toilet seat that was now hanging kind of crooked.

Henry just looked up at me with his furry little face like he was thinking, "Mom, seriously!  What did you do now?!"  I picked him up since I wasn't sure I wanted him to be sniffing around whatever it was that had come flying off the toilet.

Joey, naturally, was not home.

Henry and I determined that some post that held the toilet seat on the toilet had popped off.  I nudged the seat back into place and proceeded to forget that I'd broken it.

This morning, I was putting on my makeup when I heard, "HEY!  What happened to the toilet?"


"Um, I broke it last night?"  (When I am not breaking stuff around the house...)  "I forgot to tell you.  I was sort of standing on it when I was packing the cupboards."

"You were standing on it?" Joey said as he bent over to pick up the post.  " Yeah, you sure did break it. I won't tell Dave you were standing on the toilet when it broke, I'll just tell him it broke."

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea," I said, sheepishly.

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