Sunday, December 24, 2006

It Gets Worse

Yesterday I thought I'd do a real nice thing and wash Joey's and my outfits. (Those of you who have been keeping up on this may remember that we only have one outfit apiece. Because we pretty much forgot to bring the suitcase that we packed.)

When transferring my laundry from the washer to the dryer, I noticed something Really Bad in the washing machine.

"AAAUGH!" (If a girl screams in the laundry room and nobody is around to hear her, does she make a noise?)

There was my cell phone, glistening from the bottom of the washing machine. In my trauma and delusion, I thought to myself...Perhaps my cell phone didn't really wash with the clothes...maybe it just fell in there when I opened up the lid?

I knew that this was, in fact, false.

My phone is currently in pieces on the bureau in our room here in Indiana. Joey is trying to dry it out for me. The consensus is that the screen is probably shot. In this case, the phone is probably worthless.

Can I do ANYTHING without messing it up?!

MY PHONE WORKS! Joey and Pops fixed it for me! I pretty much screamed and jumped up and down for a real long time. Even the screen still works! This is kick awesome.

One more super cool thing--I got a fancy new toothbrush out of the deal. It's hot pink with little squishy holders AND a tongue brush.

Beat that.

1 comment:

  1. Oh hon! I really feel for you! Its the stuff nightmares are made of!
