Wednesday, December 06, 2006


It has now been a week since little Henry's surgery.  When Joey picked poor Boo up last Wednesday they said, "Bring him back in about a week and we'll take his stitches out, and make sure he wears his cone so he doesn't lick the area."

No problem there; for the last week that poor kid has worn his cone every time we haven't been able to directly supervise him.  There will be no infected doggies for Jenna Marie or Joseph Allen Woestman. (Especially not since we're moving in three weeks and we won't have any vet for a sickly puppy to go to!)

Joey packed Henry up and drove him down to the Low Cost Spay Clinic (where we got him "fixed" for a whopping total of $75, including pain meds and a cone) to get his stitches out.  Surprisingly, Henry wasn't afraid when he saw where he was going.  Joey said he was sniffing and licking everything (like normal) and didn't get scared at all.  He's so funny.

Poor Joey, though, when he deposited Henry for the removal of his stitches, the lady said "We don't use stitches on little boys, but let me check...Nope, he didn't have stitches."

"But you told me to come back in a week and get his stitches out!"  Joey said, kind of dismayed that he'd driven all the way down to the scary part of town when he didn't even have to.

"Yeah...sorry about that.  We used glue on him, so you didn't even need to come all the way down here."


I am so grossed out.  They glued my little doggy back together!  What if the glue hadn't held and his intestines had started falling out all over my carpet?!  OK, that's gross.  But it's the first thing I thought of.  That and, I can't believe they'd use glue on a dog.

The good news is that poor Henry doesn't have to wear his cone anymore, not unless he's "excessively licking" his scar.  And, knowing they sealed him up with glue, I will certainly be monitoring that.  We certainly wouldn't want him coming open again, now, would we?

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