Sunday, December 03, 2006

"Your lights are on..."

Last night Joey and I went to Festival of Carols. I wore jeans. We sat in the back with a bunch of people from church and tried not to play Pac-Man on my iPod (and were pretty successful).

Halfway through the concert, Dr. Van got up and made an announcement.

"If you drive a Toyota Corolla..."

My heart sank. It was one of those I hope it's not me but I totally know it is because I just have a bad feeling about this moments.

"your lights are on. The license plate is 949..."

I started digging in my purse for the keys. It was, most definitely, our car. I ran out in the freezing cold to turn the lights off with most of the people in the room looking at me, or at least trying to find the nerd whose car lights were on.

You know when you go to large events and they get up to announce whose car's lights are on? And you alwas think "gosh I hope it's not me, that'd be so embarassing". Yeah, that's exactly what I felt like when the house lights came up and Dr. Van started to make the announcement.

And there were, like, 500 people there too.