Monday, January 29, 2007

Haircut Gone Wrong

On Saturday, I went to Great Clips to get a haircut.  Being new to Dallas, I decided I didn't want to waste $30 to have someone chop my hair when I could do it for $15 elsewhere.
Perhaps that was my first mistake?
I walked in at 9:30 and was seated right away.  I hadn't yet washed my hair (as it was 9:30 on a Saturday morning) and felt bad for the lady, so I had her shampoo my hair.  (Second mistake--that cost $4 and I could have done it at home for free.  What was I thinking?!)
I then explained to the lady that I wanted it to be long in the front and short and stacked in the back.  She repeated the directions back to me but added "So, like a bob?" I said, "Kind of, only longer in the front and stacked in the back."  She smiled and nodded, and began cutting.
(That would be my third mistake.  I should have been more firm about the "long in the front" part.)
About five minutes into it, I realized we had a problem. She began cutting the front of my hair shorter than the back.  And, of course, you can't glue it back on once it's off.
So I sat there, quietly, and started to feel the knot forming in my stomach.
The lady raved and raved about how cute my hair was looking.  I kept my mouth shut.
I walked out of the salon with a bob. A short bob. It is not longer in the front, nor it is stacked in the back.
Joey keeps telling me that it will grow back.  Of course it will, I've done much worse to my hair, but that's not the point.  It was supposed to be CUTE!!  Not make me look even younger!  (Which it does.)
At any rate, I can still put the sides up so I'm not bald, it's just not at all what I wanted.

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