Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Henry, as it turns out, is an illegal immigrant.
Aparrently when one moves to Dallas, one is supposed to register one's dog.  The thought of registering Henry with the police, though, makes me feel like Henry's some sort of ex convict.
About the only thing Henry's ever done that's a convictable offense is chew on the rug by the front door.  And I decided not to call the 5-0.
It's a good thing, too.  Aparrently if your dog gets caught by animal control and isn't registered you have to pay a fine, plus pay "rent" for the time they stayed in lock-down.
We probably won't be letting Henry out of our sight. As we don't plan to register him with the authorities, it would be a real shame if he ran away, got caught by the pound, and then we had to post a $200 bail on him.
I tell you what, life with an illegal is really stressful.

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