Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Henry Remains An Illegal

After checking on the Dallas website, I have determined to keep my dog an illegal immigrant.
It would only cost $7 yearly to register him, but then we'd have to provide proof of vaccinations, etc.
I don't plan to keep up on his vaccionations.
There are tons of books and opinions out there, but I prefer the one that says yearly vaccinations harm your dog.  He's got his babydog shots, and that's all he's getting for the next 5-7 years.
So...Henry better not get loose because he's not going to be registered.
In other news, it's snowing down here and everyone's freaking out.  I just hope Henry can get out in it and chase it around...SINCE IT NEVER SNOWED WHEN WE LIVED IN IOWA!
(I'm not bitter about that either.)

1 comment:

  1. Make sure you at least keep on the parvo virus vaccine, we almost lost Tipsy to that disease and it was not pretty while it lasted.
    Mom W.
