Thursday, January 18, 2007

I Was Sad

The saddest thing happened to me this morning.
Joey got my watch battery replaced yesterday (thanks, honey!!) so that I'd have something to wear to work.  It drives me nuts to not know what time it is.  I happily put it on this morning but never looked at it to make sure the time was correct. 
I was on time (still unable to park, but I got it resolved) and got started.  After a little while I looked down at my watch and thought "Woah!  9:00 already.  This is going really fast!"
When I finished what I was doing, I happily noted that it was 10:30.
I got a rude awakening a few minutes later, though, when I glanced at a clock and it said 9:45.
"WHAT?!"  I thought to myself.  I poked my watch several times.  It seemed to be working (and it should be after Joey paid $8 to get the battery replaced).
I came to the conclusion that the watch place had never reset the time!  To my great distress, I had to back up the minute hand a full forty-five minutes.
NOT my idea of a good time.


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