Thursday, January 25, 2007

I'm Getting a Haircut

Sorry but it's time to cut my hair.  Not just trim, but Majorly Cut. 
(Jamie, I'm not going to cut it short like I did before we went to China.  Something much more sane.  After all, I did promise not to hack it again...)
My hair and I generally have a love-hate relationship.  Love in the sense that I'd look funny without hair, and hate in the sense that it never does what it's supposed to.
Especially the left side.
Yesterday, while attempting to put my hair in a ponytail before we went to clean the ghetto-partment, I accidentally found a hairstyle that might solve my current Left Side Problem, while still not making me look bald.
So...I'm keeping my fingers crossed.  Let's all hope this works.  I can't handle my hair anymore, so I'm thinking Great Clips on Saturday morning.
I'd do it tonight, but I have a Bible study. And Friday, I figure they'll be busy.  And besides, I'm watching a movie then.  (Assuming Joey's done with his stupid paper.  From LAST SEMESTER.  It was due on Monday; as in four days ago.)
Well, me and my bad hair are going to go eat lunch now.

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