Friday, January 26, 2007

(Not) Lying With Statistics

On Wednesday, I decided that since we no longer lived at the ghetto-partment, it was safe for me to look at the crime statistics on the neighborhood website. (I don't know why we didn't think of this before. But we didn't, being from Iowa and all...)

I was QUITE astounded. Allow me to give you a sampling for your reading horrification. These have all occurred from January 2006 to October 2006:

Murder - 3
Rape - 15
Robbery - 192
Aggravated Assault - 165
Burglaries - 337
BMV (whatever that is) - 539
Theft - 562
UUMV (again, whatever that means) - 276

This comes to a grand total of 2,089 times the police were called to our neighborhood. (I WAS hearing them all the time!)

We thought that was pretty bad until Joey figured out that the neighborhood was a total of ONLY 2 square miles. That means the cops were getting called every four hours to an area roughly the size of a Wal-mart parking lot. (OK, slightly bigger...)

We're way, way glad that we moved. Way.

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