Friday, January 26, 2007

You know it's Friday when...

1.  You wake up before your alarm goes off (5:57 a.m.) and are actually excited to get the day started so that it can be over sooner.
2.  You are then tired for the rest of the day.
3.  You drink coffee (decaf) but by 12:15 p.m. you are considering the high octane stuff.
4.  You are having a bad hair day. 
5.  Minutes seem to go by slower than they do on, say Tuesday or Wednesday
6.  You are already planning what time to go to bed tonight and get up on Saturday so that you can get the most accomplished possible with the greatest amount of sleep.
7.  You are starvin' marvin' and keep going to the kitchen for snacks, goodies, sandwiches, or other items.  (Coffee not included)

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