Thursday, February 01, 2007

Do I Look Like I Enjoy Trouble?!

It's not even 8:45 and I've already had major technical difficulties.
Because I like an early start to my day, I arrived in plenty of time and got right down to it.  The first item on my list was to scan a bunch of things and then put them into a different format.
But first, I had to scan them.
I got my coffee (I've been corrupted again...sorry, Joey!) and clacked my way down to the scanner, trying not to slip and fall because of my insanely high heels.  I've slipped once already (again, it's not even 8:45), but not fallen.
Anyway, about halfway through my stack, the scanner decided that it was jammed.  It wasn't.  I "unjammed" it about five times, and the stupid thing continued to think it was jammed.
I decided that if it wasn't going to plan nice, neither was I.  After hunting for an inordinately long time, I found the power cable.  I took a deep breath and unplugged it.
The groaning sound that the scanner made was pretty cool, considering it had been giving me as much trouble as it was.
I counted to 10 and plugged it back in.  Miraculously, it no longer thought it was jammed.  I was quite happy with my progress, so I began to scan again. 
And then the scanner "jammed" itself again.
So I unplugged it.  (And so on....)
At this point I determined that I better cut my losses and go find another scanner (before I almost break it like I almost broke our Flavia machine last week), which is what I'm about to do.
The big scanner better get its act together before noon because I have a whole lot more stuff to scan then.  If it doesn't, I'll be reduced to unplugging it after every scan, and I can't believe that's good for the equipment.

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