Friday, February 23, 2007

A Good Scare

I haven't really used AIM since college, but recently I have begun to use it again.  (During the day.)  I kind of turned my back on AIM once I started dating Joey back in college, he used MSN so I used MSN. 
A rather girly, nerdy thing to do but, I admit, I did it.
AIM hasn't changed much since college.  It pretty much looks the same, works the same, even the sounds are the same.
Even The Moo.
When you are using AIM you can set it up to alert you when a particular buddy signs on.  They have several pathetic sounds such as a ding, cash register, or door opening but I favored The Moo.  (You know how I like cows and all.)
I dated a guy for several years before I dated Joey.  I used AIM to chat with him and every time he'd sign on I'd hear The Moo.  Pathetically, I used to sit around and wait for The Moo every evening. I am quite programmed now; every time I hear The Moo I jump.
This brings us back to today.
I was standing over by a cabinet when, out of the blue, I heard The Moo.
I JUMPED!!  (Quite abruptly, too.  I felt like an idiot.)
It has been over three years, but I still jumped!  Pathetic.
I definitely started looking over my shoulder, too, as if he was going to show up around the corner or something. (As if that's possible.)
Isn't it weird how sounds totally trip memories like that and either make us smile or freak us out?
Whenever I hear my John Mayer CD I think of Joey. :)

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