Monday, February 26, 2007


I waited until 9:15 to have breakfast today. Normally I eat it about 7:45-8:00.

I didn't eat a bagel on Friday, even though that's my day to have a bagel, so I decided that since I'm cold today it seemed advantageous to have a bagel and some hot tea for breakfast.

Whole wheat cinnamon raisin is my bagel of choice and I thought I'd hit paydirt when I saw what appeared to be cinnamon sugar on the counter.

Without taking the time to smell it first, I shook it all over my bagel.

I brewed my tea and happily sat down to enjoy my breakfast. I took a big bite of my yummy bagel and....

...promptly tried to decide if it was considered rude to spit it out in the trash can.

Apparently I'd salted the bagel with some brown sea salt. It was most definitely NOT cinnamon sugar that I'd put on. I chewed as quickly as I could (which is not an easy task when you've got a mouth full of whole wheat bagel that's just doused in salt) and swallowed.

I grabbed the nearest beverage--my piping hot Raspberry Spark tea--and downed a large gulp.

I succeeded in scalding my tongue but not ridding my mouth of the horrid salty taste. I decided to chug some water which helped a little bit.

After realizing the my hopes and dreams of a yummy warm breakfast were foiled, I wilted. Not to be put of I picked up my salty bagel, marched back to the kitchen, threw it away and made another.

It tasted quite good and un-salty, too, even though it didn't have any cinnamon sugar on it.

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