Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I Am Cool

You know how highschool boys--er, I mean guys, think it's really cool to peel out and squeal their tires?

I totally did that this morning.
I was parking in an underground garage that has really windy ramps and every time I'd go around the corner I'd accellerate just for fun.  I noticed a strange squealy noise that sounded a lot like tires.  Could it be me?!
I accellerated a little bit faster on the next corner.
SQUUUEAL.  Yup, it was definitely me; there was no one else around!
It was oddly satisfying to I realize that I had not only peeled out my tires, but I'd done it several times and the last few were on purpose.  I felt like I needed to start wearing really saggy pants, put on a low-billed baseball cap, grow my hair out all ruffian-like and act like I'm cooler than everyone else in the world.

1 comment:

  1. You're going to ruin your tires, and I'm not paying to replace them. ;)
