Friday, February 16, 2007

I Am Short

This morning I went to fix myself a cinnamon raisin bagel with Smart Balance. I enjoy bagels, but they have so many calories that I only have them on Fridays. 
I just decided that this morning and was quite excited to have a bagel as it has been a week or two.
I walked into the kitchen. Naturally I was not at home but was "wherever I go during the day" (ahem....GRANDPA!), so the kitchen isn't quite as set up for short people as I would like.
There were no plates on the counter.
I looked around and wasn't able to spot any.  This meant only one thing--they were in the cupboard.  The high cupboard.  Above the refrigerator.
I can't even reach the bottom of the cupboard if I stand on my tiptoes, so I located the step-stool, climbed on, and opened the cupboard.
Mind you, the base of the cupboard was still above my head.  I couldn't really see in very well, so I kind of leaned back precariously and pawed around to try to feel the plates.
I came up empty.
On the top shelf (still out of my reach, even with the stepstool) I noticed a very large, long, heavy tube of paper plates.  My concern at the moment was that if I got those plates down, they'd throw off my counter balance and I'd go sprawling to the floor.
A very tall woman walked in.
"Jenna, be careful!  Do you need help?"
I determined that it was best to give up entirely on the fetching of the plates rather than to admit my defeat.  I climbed down and said, "No, it's OK."
I used a small, small plate that I found on the counter instead.  And my bagel was very tasty, thank you very much.

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