Wednesday, February 14, 2007

my odd Valentine's morning

(Disclaimer:  My morning was not odd because of anything Joey did or didn't do.  All of the oddness occured after I left the house.  Joey is great and I love him very much.)
I got underway 10 minutes late this morning.  I had been loafing around reading a book when Henry hurt himself and needed a hug.  He had been sitting under the coffee table and jumped up to the couch, but he wasn't clear of the coffee table and wound up smacking his furry little backside somethin' fierce.
Poor guy.
Once I finally got on the road and determined that I was not late enough to just be sitting on the freeway (anything much later than 7:30 and it's not a pretty sight around here), I was in business.
I did not notice any accidents, ugly cars, or otherwise run into stationary objects, thank you very much.
I parked quickly and decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator.  This was useful for two reasons: 
1.)  I realized that I can get into the stairs from the garage, but not from upstairs (what good does that do?)  so I can only take them in the morning.
2.)  I was reminded that I am way out of shape
Quite relieved that I did not get locked in the stairs (no cell phone signal in there and it could be construed as tacky to pound on the doors and cry until someone came along and let me out), I walked through the lobby.
The security guard, quite cheerily, said "Happy Valentines Day!" to me as I walked by, catching me quite off guard.
(I have never been wished a happy Valentines Day by a random guy, much less a security guard.) 
It was then that I learned, much to my dismay, that Krispy Kreme has been making heart-shaped doughnuts with sprinkles on them.  And I drove right past and didn't get one.
And I probably won't get one either, since I have our only car and it's down here with me.  They probably ran out by now anyway.  <sigh>
Krispy Kreme, though, is only about a mile away from us.  Just far enough away that we could walk to get our doughnuts, walk back, and feel positively blissfull about the entire caloric experience, what with "walking it off" and all.

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