Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Nearing The Quarter-Life Crisis

Today is my half birthday. I am officially 24 1/2.

I'm beginning to feel like I need to drive a silver Mercedes, dye my hair red, start tanning and wear a miniskirt.

Although I don't have this feeling of Impending Doom like some people I've talked to, I am starting to feel old. Joey said something, rather derisively, about "when we're 30" the other day, and I kind of wailed "HEY! That's getting really close!"

As he turned 24 the other day, I think he realized that it IS getting really close too. All he said was something nasty like, "You're going to be 30 before me, hahaha." I usually kick him in the shins when he says that.

Seriously, younger men.

Seeing as we're on a seminary budget, I don't see the silver Mercedes, red hair, tanning or miniskirts in my future. (As everyone heaves a collective sigh of relief that I won't be prancing around in a miniskirt any time soon.)

I see the Quarter-Life Crisis shaking out to be something more like getting my silver Toyota Corolla washed, checking my hair for any signs of gray (I had a false alarm a couple months ago--totally freaked me out), slathering on the sunblock, and asking Joey if my just-above-the-knee skirt makes me look fat.

That's a bit more realistic, wouldn't you say?

Happy 24 1/2 Birthday, Me!

1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling. I will be turning 24 this summer and I am not really looking forward to it. I feel like I'm getting old too fast. I want to move back to Chicago and relive my college years, even though they just ended last year, kind of. I'm actually going to be getting highlights in my hair cause I feel I need a change. It's funny how changing your hair can make you feel so different, at least for a little bit.
